Category: IceTheme

Health Benefits of Beetroot Juice

The Benefits of Oxygen

Health status, activity level, and hydration are factors that affect how much oxygen a person needs. Without adequate oxygen, health problems are guaranteed. Some people have to use extraordinary measures to get their oxygen levels up. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, for example, is one way to increase oxygen levels and may even address a variety of health concerns.

There are a lot of reasons why more oxygen is better. In one study, laboratory mice that received supplemental oxygen had better T-cell counts, immune function, and lived about twice as long as mice with normal oxygen levels.

Consequences of Oxygen Deprivation

Oxygen deprivation doesn’t have to be sudden, like choking or drowning, to be a problem. Oxygen deprivation can be a long term problem, occurring over months or years. The reasons are varied, but pollution and poor indoor air quality are among them. The health effects of oxygen deprivation can be severe; it’s even linked to tumor growth. Environmental concerns are amplifying the problem and oxygen levels in the atmosphere are on the decline.

Cleansing with Oxygen

Body cleansing is a great way to take advantage of the power of oxygen. Oxygen-based colon cleansing products are an alternative to harsh herbal concoctions. I recommend Oxy-Powder®; it’s formulated with oxygen to gently cleanse and detoxify the digestive tract. We get a lot of feedback from people who tell us it helps them feel great.

V small.healing